Marylea Van Daalen

Founding director Kempinski Arts Support Programme. Board member of WICE Paris (as President),  the Boards of the State Opera "Unter den Linden," the German Symphony Orchestra, and the Fulbright Commission.

"We all are deeply aware of the critical role that culture plays in our world, particularly during times of crises. Crises often serve as a wake-up call, prompting us to reevaluate our circumstances and the actions needed to create a better world. We, at Althafen Foundation are committed to shaping the cultural future by pioneering a new model of funding and action, encapsulated in the ethos of 'Think Global, Act Local.' This approach is structured around three pillars: Culture, Education, and Charity. Through this framework, we aim to support the talents and address the needs of gifted individuals through a unique applicant system, fostering a brighter and more inclusive cultural landscape."

— MvD


Jennifer Nowak-Mischkowsky


Vitali Kivmann