Jennifer Nowak-Mischkowsky

Chief Operations Officer

Jennifer is an accomplished communications and management expert with a strong academic background in business communication. Boasting over two decades of experience, she has consistently demonstrated proficiency in devising and executing. She has contributed several years of her career to the program "Deutscher Kita-Preis" of the BMFSFJ, Germany on the postion of Head of Communications at DKJS. An Award Winner of the Internationale Deutsche PR Award 2019 for the Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Germany.

Known for her exceptional organizational prowess, Jennifer possesses a broad network and operates seamlessly on a global scale. Over the past nine years, she has expanded her focus towards the non-profit sector, showcasing her unwavering dedication to social responsibility. She continues to engage and operate in both sectors, bringing a valuable expertise in combining the overlapping interests of both industries.

Interview with Jennifer Nowak-Mishkovsky

What is the work of the ALTHAFEN Foundation all about?

As a team member of the ALTHAFEN Foundation, I see us as a hub for networks and a platform where people can interact and benefit from each other. Promoting talent is a crucial step in shaping a better future. All our activities, whether in the fields of art, culture, education or charity, result in a strong sense of community thanks to the diversity of our activities. We provide impetus for a better future for all.

What connects you to what we do here? What parts of our work really resonate with your personal values?

Our strength lies in the power of togetherness and mutual benefit. I am inspired by the way we are building a real network of change by bringing together different actors and initiatives. It's amazing to see people learning from and supporting each other and using their talents and skills for the common good. My connection to what we are doing here is that I understand that nurturing talent is the key to sustainable change. By encouraging people to use their skills and develop their talents, we are laying the foundations for a future where everyone can reach their full potential.

Why do you think art is important to make a difference in the world? How do you think we can make a difference through art?

Because art connects and inspires us. Art allows us to tell stories, share perspectives and build bridges between different cultures and communities. Art allows us to express ourselves creatively and showcase our individual talents. Through artistic expression, we can come closer together, learn from each other and grow together.

Do you have any cool stories from your time with us? Is there anything that has particularly stuck in your memory?

Encounters that have left their mark on me? There were so many! One that particularly sticks in my mind was an event where we supported talented young artists to present their work to a non-specialist audience. It was impressive to see how these diverse talents and visitors came together and an unexpected exchange took place, which led to lasting learning and a change of perspective for everyone.

What is your big dream, where do we want to go? And how do you see yourself in this picture?

My big dream for the future of the ALTHAFEN Foundation? That all our activities ultimately lead to a better future for everyone. I see us as shaping this future by promoting talent, driving ideas forward and working together with a large network to create a world in which everyone has the opportunity to develop their full potential. That we continue to be a transnational place of togetherness and mutual benefit, where people from different fields and backgrounds come together to make a positive change in the world. I actively contribute to strengthening our network and advancing our vision of shaping a better future together.


Mark Prihodko


Marylea Van Daalen