Verità Baroque Ensemble

The ensemble, which consists of a pool of international soloists, is bound by a mission to contextualise Baroque music in the 21st century, making it accessible and relatable while preserving the core authenticity of period styles.


Immersive Project


Verità Baroque Ensamble was founded in December 2020 by the dynamic duo, Russian-German flutist Taya König-Tarasevich and Italian cellist Bartolomeo Dandolo Marchesi, this ensemble quickly distinguished itself by bringing together the finest baroque musicians of the next generation, swiftly earning a reputation as one of the world’s premier ensembles. As the ensemble grows, it also gave birth to an immersive project idea that will completely transform the nature of concerts and music listening for the audience.


Our project represents the pinnacle of digital concert experiences, blending artistry with technology to create a truly transformative encounter with classical music in the 21st century.


Artist’s meticulous attention to detail and historical context ensures a faithful rendition of the Baroque masterpieces, captivating audiences and preserving the essence of this timeless genre.

Revolution of Concert Experience

Despite the evolution from salon-style performances to traditional CD releases and digital concert halls, the classical music industry has yet to fully embrace the societal trend towards immersive experiences. While traditional formats persist, digital alternatives increasingly challenge them, reshaping how audiences engage with classical music.


The ensemble’s repertoire for each residency includes a legendary Baroque masterpiece as well as a piece specially commissioned by their composers in residence Nicola Canzano, SJ Hanke, Thomas Chabalier, and Marc Migo. This thoughtful curation reflects Verità’s commitment to both honouring past traditions and pushing the boundaries of innovation




Echo Collective